**** Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy ****

1. 長谷川章雄: 持久走中に心停止した特発性肥大型心筋症の一例. 第83回日本病理学会総会, 平成6年3月29-31日, 京都

[Hasegawa, A.: A case of idiopathic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy - A sudden death. The 83th General Assembly of the Japanese Society of Pathology at Kyoto (poster session), March 29-31, 1994]
[Refer to the corresponding autopsy report]

An Autopsy Case: A 12-year-old female who collapsed during a running exercise at school

(Original Prose, as my sincere condolences)


A 12-year-old girl on the table,
Having been running about and chattering
Innocently and cheerfully,
Looked like still alive.
The air was cool and calm.
I was a deadly serious prosector,
Performing the autopsy late at night,
And categorically made a diagnosis
of 'hypertrophic cardiomyopathy'.

Then I examined her genital organs
That no longer maturate.
She was of the same age
as my daughter.

Suddenly something slipped
Whispering through the atmosphere.
And I realized
That my God let her go.
Your God let her go.

  Akio Hasegawa, M.D., at a community hospital

(Original Prose)

Anterior view of the heart in fresh state (380 gram/ cf. age- and sex-matched control value; 150 gram)

Frontal sectional view of the four chambers in fixed state

Horizontal cut surface of the ventricles in fixed state, showing asymmetrical hypertrophy of the interventricular septum

Disarray and disorganization of myocardial fibers, showing abnormal branching, overlapping and hypertrophy, with interstitial plexiform fibrosis (Azan-Mallory stain)

Electron micrograph of myofibrils in disarray with increase of mitochondria

Refer to the corresponding autopsy report

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Copyright 2008, Akio Hasegawa
version 1.02 2008/10/06

Please send your comments to DrHASEGAWA@aol.com