JSDF Inspection parade on October 14 2018
**** Inspection parade on October 14 2018 ****
(Japan Self-Defense Force at Asaka JGSDF Base with PM and C in C Abe)

"Lining-up just before the start of the program" (for enlargement see below)
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I acquired the ticket from my cousin Kyoko at National Defense Medical College and went scouting with two Nikon Digital Cameras (D3000 with old Tamron Zoom 70-210 mm 58 mm diameter F4 in manual focus/manual exposure mode, and D5100 with Nikon AF-S Nikkor 18-105 mm 3.5-5.6 G ED in automatic mode), putting on a MAGA (Make America Great Again) black cap.
[Introductory part]
Students of National Defense Academy of Japan first marched in.

"Students of National Defense Academy of Japan on 2018.10.14 (Crick to enlarge)
National Defense Medical College students, M.D. course, posterior ranks are female medical students, bringing emergency bag on the waist. Sorry I missed to shoot the male student ranks,,,

"Students of National Defense Medical College of Japan, M.D. school on 2018.10.14 (Crick to enlarge)
National Defense Medical College, Nursing School students, next.

Counter-terrorism elite solders.

"Elite Force on 2018.10.14 (Crick to enlarge)
Janan Maritime Self-Defense Force soldiers with proud rising sun flag.

Female Self-Defense Force, very elegant ladies.

Lining-up completed. Circa 4,000 personnel mobilized.

Lining-up completed (Crick to enlarge)
Marshaling in front of the leadership.

Salute to the entrance of Prime Minister Abe.

Honor guard marching in.

[Main Program]
Salute to Prime Minister Abe, Commander in Chief.

Salute to Prime Minister (Crick to enlarge)
Inspection of each troop unit by Prime Minister Abe, Commander In Chief of Japan Self-Defense Force.

Main Program starts. The first cortege is by Female soldiers. Certainly, "Lady First", post-WWII-defeat education by occupied Forces is implanted firmly! However, we would discard forced masochistic view of history, though. Just figure,,,,,

Lady First (Crick to enlarge)
The first cortege is by Female soldiers. I was amazed at their fitness, elegance of bodily habitus.

Type-87 weeled radar-guided anti-aircraft gun.

Newly introduced AAV7 amphibious armored vehicles for defense of isolated islands.

Newly introduced AAV7 (Crick to enlarge)
Newly introduced AAV7 amphibious armored vehicles (enlarged).

Type-10 main battle tank (MBT), in operational capability since 2011.

Type-10 main battle tank (MBT) (Crick to enlarge)
Astonishingly F-35a Lightening of Japan Air Self-Defense Force is firstly opened to the public this day, presenting low-speed fly pass with landing gears down.

MV-22 Ospreys of US Marine, friendly participation.

Many military attache and front-line US soldiers (right edge of platform) were invited.

Guests from abroad (Crick to enlarge)
US soldiers are exiting, with waves of applause. Thank you America!

Invited samurai front-line US soldiers exiting (Crick to enlarge)
Lowering national flag Hinomaru with much solemnity. PM Abe indicated by pink arrows.

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version 1.00 2018/10/15